Diabetes may affect the gums vessels, the susceptibility to infection and salivary flow.
Another parameter is important: how our body defends itself against infection, also called “susceptibility to infection.” Indeed, some general diseases diminish our potential for immune defence and increase our susceptibility to infection. The balance of our oral flora is then disturbed.
This is the case in example diabetes when sugar levels in the blood is not balanced. The two-way relationship that unites diabetes and periodontal disease is scientifically established: diabetes has an impact on the health of our mouth and, in turn, periodontal disease may disrupt blood sugar levels and worsen diabetes.
– Vascular: diabetes alters the small vessels. The tissues will quickly suffer from lack of oxygen.
– At the level of the immune system dysfunction of white blood cells leading to increased susceptibility to infection. The cells responsible for bone formation and collagen are no longer working; mucosal healing is delayed and the destruction of the periodontal is swift and severe.
– In terms of sensitivity there is a burning sensation around the tongue with a taste loss. The decrease in salivary flow and is often observed, without this valuable protection, the dried mucous membranes are often the seat of fungal infections (candidiasis). The caries risk increases.
Our advices
Regular follow-up to the dentist can help in screening for diabetes and also, for treatment of dental disease outbreaks diabetic, improve the regulation of blood sugar.
The infection of the tissues that support our teeth can have many causes
Diabetes has an impact on the gums vessels, the sensitivity to infection and the salivary flow.