
Pain and dental implants

After installation of a dental implant, the postoperative (discomfort, bruising, possible pain) are tightly controlled and supported appropriately to each.


After the introduction of implants, various reactions may occur:

  • Pain: it depends primarily on the size of the intervention, that is to say the number of implants in the session. Postoperative pain varies from one person to another. Overall, for the establishment of one or two implants, pain is absent or weak. For larger interventions, additional discomfort is to be expected for several days.
  • Swelling: it is a swelling of the gums and cheek related to the inflammatory reaction following any surgery. It is often this very slightly. In some cases it may be more important.
  • Hematoma: it is due to internal bleeding that persists transiently after surgery and occurs occasionally. When extended, it may seem impressive but rarely troubling.

When those postoperative you seem better than expected from your dentist, please report it to him quickly to detect any complication.


The stress and the pain associated with insertion of dental implant can be prevented and effectively treated with a prescription well adapted in line with your health and with the heaviness of the planned intervention.

If you cannot stand the prescribed or if they do not seem quite effective medicines, please tell us about it so that your treatment can be reviewed.

Stress prevention and management of potential pain are part of the pre monitoring and implant post